Personal Bits

About Me:

I'm a microbiologist by day, and am lucky to have a wonderful husband and three furry animals to come home to and cook for (see here). I am a superb sleeper, and I enjoy honing that talent every opportunity I get.  I love to read, especially on a sunny afternoon with a glass of wine. I'm a sucker for a good pun, and can tell a mean dad joke.  I think people are generally good, frequently annoying, and always worth a second chance.

About the Blog:

I really do find it relaxing and therapeutic to chop and cook for hours- even after work.  (The dogs find it relaxing and therapeutic when I leave the kitchen for a few moments and forget to move the stick of butter out of reach.) I have spent the last year discovering the many different food blogs out there on the internet, and expanding my repertoire in the kitchen as a result. And I just can't keep it all to myself anymore.

What I'd really love to do is have you all over, pour some wine, cook the meal for you, and then we could all enjoy it together... And that's why Dog Eat is here- to give me a space to share the joy I find in successfully cooking a tasty meal. 

About the Food:

I read some powerful material about how we choose to eat several years ago.  It influenced my choices significantly.  I stopped eating meat, then started eating meat again, but selectively.  I learned how to cook as I was learning to explore new and healthier ways of eating.  (Luckily, I have a very experienced chef for a husband- he's taught me so much over the years.)  I try to eat whole, natural foods, and to make dishes that incorporate a variety of flavors, textures and colors.  There is nothing worse than a meal that's all mush, or has no green in it!  I often don't use recipes, but reference them for ideas and adjust as I cook.  Therefore, it's sometimes difficult for me to compile my dishes into recipes.  Please let me know if anything you try doesn't work, or needs some tweaking.